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Human Energy System

ScalarPrana Human Energy System is the foundation of many ScalarPrana courses.  Whether you’re a beginner in the field of energy work, or you want to become a skillful and certified ScalarPrana healer or just simply supplement what you already know about the human body, your life experiences will take on a more profound meaning when you understand the non-physical side of human anatomy.  

Workshop Highlights

  • How to be aware and sensitive to life energy 

  • How to challenge your senses to see, feel and listen to life energy with fun, practical exercises.

  • How life energy has been based on science all along

  • Invisible aspects of the human body—the various subtle bodies/auras and their functions 

  • The 16 chakras of the body, how they link to our physical body, and how they support health and well-being

  • Energy channels of the body derived from ancient healing models 

For the complete list of workshop schedules and for other inquiries, please fill up the form and we’ll respond as soon as we can. Thanks!